The Users / Locations tab in the AMP CMS provides you with a high level overview of your users activity, as well as quick sortable lists from which you can perform daily tasks with. 

Video Walkthrough

Written Walkthrough

Overview Tab

Here on the Overview Screen you can see there are quick glances at your user counts, shop requests, and various user tables and when they were updated. Should you be missing one of the user tables, you now also have a quick create option as well as update options for your existing tables. 

Moving down the left sidebar you will find the various user types you can manage and grant access to. Between the user types you will find slight differences in the options available to you. For example Admins will not have a csv file

Admins Tab 

This view gives you the ability to quickly add, remove, and invite admins to the AMP CMS. Admins have the ability to log into the Manage side of AMP where your product and user data lives. 

To Remove or Edit a user simply click on their email address located in the left most column. 

Above the table of Admins you will find a quick Add New and Send Invitations option in the left corner.

Add New for admins will open a window that only requires that you enter their email address and what level of access they should have to the AMP CMS. Read-Only grants visibility to the CMS without the ability to edit your product or user tables.

Send Invitations will take you directly to our e-mail invite screen and will be pre-filtered to the user type associated to the tab you navigated from. In this instance it will preselect inactive admins. 

CSRs Tab

The CSR tab is nearly identical as the Admins however you will gain two additional functions found in the top right corner, Import CSRs and Edit CSRs 

Import CSRs will take you to a new screen with the primary function of allowing you to export and import your user list via excel csv file.  This importing function is highlighted in Red below.  Also on this screen highlighted in Blue you have Update Columns, which is another method of updating your column tags in mass. Highlighted in Green you have a shortcut to our Edit Table tool which allows you to update your data directly. Lastly in Yellow should you wish to delete your current user list and start over you can select "Delete this Table".

Edit CSRs will take you to the Edit Table view of your user list. From here you can Add and Remove both columns and rows, as well as the content within the cells. This tool also contains various method for filtering and searching your content. 

Reps Tab

The Rep tab is identical to the CSR table and all of its functionality. The sole difference would be the user type themselves as CSRs have visibility to the CMS where as Reps do not. 

Authorized Buyers Tab

The Authorized Buyer Tab is the most unique view in both function and layout. This screen is a collection of your buyers that are currently granted access to your catalog. The purpose of this view is to quickly locate a customer and send invitations to log into the AMP program. However all edits of these customers must be made in the customer or shop request tab. You can be taken there quickly for edits by clicking on the green highlighted name found in the second column. This quick search view also contains your customers log in activity so that you might identify customers that have not logged in recently that could use a fresh invitation. 

Customers Tab

The Customers Tab contains all known customers uploaded by your company. This differs from the Authorized Buyers as the Customers on this list may or may not have access to your catalog. This list also enables your sales team to pick from when writing orders either online or via the iPad app AMP Sell.

Shop Requests

A sub tab of Customers, the Shop Requests are inbound leads from Buyers who already have access to AMP and are expressing interest in your catalog as well. Within this view you can Approve, Deny, and Assign these leads to reps and pricelists. If Approved, these leads become Authorized Buyers of your account immediately.

Pending Customers

Another sub tab of Customers, Pending Customers are generated from your reps via the iPad app AMP Sell. Should a rep need to enter a temporary customer account by selecting "Add New Customer" on the customer tab of their iPad, a record will appear in this view for your review. 

Send Invitations

A shortcut to invite users to log into the program.