This article will cover setting up tiered price lists (multiple customers accessing the same tiers price level) as well as customer specific price levels. 


When different prices are offered to different customers you will need to set up Exclusive Price Lists for these customers.

To create an Exclusive Price List

1) Add a column to your Product Table with the exclusive prices

2) Tag the column as Exclusive Price

3) Add a column to your Customer Table and tag the column as Allowed Rep Price Lists or Allowed Buyer Price Lists

4) In this column add the exact Column Names of the column tagged as Exclusive Price. (i.e. If you named your column "5% Special Price" then "5% Special Price" needs to be entered in the Exclusive Price column)

5) To add additional Allowed Rep Price lists separate each price list name with a comma. You can assign exclusive or general price lists per customer. If this cell is left blank, all the general customer price lists will be allowed for this customer. As soon as you enter anything in these columns, the customer/rep becomes restricted to what you've entered, so you will need to add General Price lists in as well (if they should have access to them).