In AMP Sell, you can quickly email or print either the full product catalog or a filtered version tailored to specific needs. Follow these steps to share the catalog with your customers.

To Email the Full Catalog:

  1. Log In to Your AMP App

    • Open the AMP app and log in with your credentials.
  2. Select the Products Tab

    • Navigate to the Products tab from the main screen.
  3. Choose "Email Full Catalog"

    • In the center of the screen, just below the customer name, tap Email Full Catalog.

  4. Customize the Catalog Display (Optional)

    • You can choose whether to display prices in the catalog. Use the toggles on the left side of the Spec Sheet Preview to enable or disable pricing visibility.

  5. Email or Print the Catalog

    • Once you're ready, select whether you'd like to Email or Print the catalog.

To Filter the Catalog Before Emailing:

  1. Log In to Your AMP App

    • Open the AMP app and log in.
  2. Select the Products Tab

    • Navigate to the Products tab.
  3. Apply Filters

    • Use the filters on the left side of the page to narrow down the product selection according to your preferences (e.g., category, inventory, price).

  4. Choose "Email Filtered Catalog"

    • After applying the filters, tap Email Filtered Catalog, located in the center of the screen just below the customer name.
  5. Enable Additional Options (Optional)

    • Chosen SKUs Only: Tap the toggle to restrict the catalog to only the filtered SKUs.
    • Show Inventory: If you have an inventory column and want it displayed, tap the Show Inventory toggle.
    • Show Price Lists: Enable the toggle to include available price lists in the catalog.
    • Choose Layout:  If available, allows multiple specsheet templates to choose from.

  6. Note: In-stock filters require both an Inventory and Stock Level column, along with the appropriate filters enabled.

  7. Email or Print the Catalog

    • Once everything is set, choose whether to Email or Print the filtered catalog.