When ordering products you will need to select a pricelist which will determine the price of your items. You can select and change the pricelist from multiple locations in AMP including:

Selecting pricelist from Customer Tab
Changing pricelist from Proposal in Pre-Posal Tab
Changing pricelist from Order Form in Pre-Posal Tab 

Selecting pricelist from Customer Tab

1) Tap Customer Tab 

2) Tap one of the boxes under Pricelist on the top right corner

3) The pricelist with a checkmark next to it will be the current pricelist


Changing pricelist from Proposal in Pre-Posal Tab

1) Tap Pre-Posal

2) Tap Proposal at top of the page

3) Tap the current pricelist name located in the blue bar at the top of the screen

4) Select the new pricelist you want to work with


Changing pricelist from Order Form in Pre-Posal Tab

1) Tap Pre-Posal

2) Tap Order From at top of the page

2) Tap the current pricelist name located in the blue bar in the middle of the screen

3) Select the new pricelist you want to work with