This article will help identify why an image is not displaying for an active sku on the Product Table.

The image below will display when there is an active SKU on the Product Table that does not have a photo appropriately attached to it.

Image Coming Soon

First, check the Photo column in the Product Table. 

If it’s blank, you can enter the correct file name for each SKU in this column or proceed to the photo matching tool to assign a photo file to the SKU.

When there is text in the Photo column, but the default missing photo is showing, check to be sure the photo has been uploaded by navigating to the Photos section. 

Once there, search for the photo file. This can be done by filtering first (try selecting MissingOnly to start). 


Missing means that there is an active SKU on the table, but no file uploaded for the photo file listed.  Primary indicates that this is the main photo for this SKU. 

You can click into the file name hyperlink and upload an image for that file name (This is also the way to replace a photo with the wrong file name). You can also select "Upload more photos" and add multiple images in that way.