This video and article cover how to add a new customer to an existing customer table, and invite buyers.

To add buyers you must have access to AMP SHOP

Add Buyers

  1. Navigate to the Manage Customers tab from the AMP CMSCustomer Table
  2. Upload a customer table or add a customer to an existing customer tableCustomer Info
  3. The email address is the most important field to fill out.
    NOTE: If you have multiple buyer email addresses. You can add a comma between the email addresses to have multiple buyers per account. 

Invite Buyers

  1. Navigate to Users/Locations, and click Overview
  2. In the Authorized Buyers section, click send invitations to unregistered buyers... )Send Invites
  3. Select the users you want to send invitations to and click Send InvitationsInvite Buyers
  4. IMPORTANT: Please note there are ACTIVE and INACTIVE buyers. Please send out invitations to both active and inactive when you first get started. Active users are emails that have previously logged into AMP in the last 30 days

An invitation will be emailed to the rep or buyer including a username, password, and instructions for logging into AMP.