Discover how to upload, manage and view documents in your AMP catalog.

Documents, videos, photos and other files can be uploaded to AMP for reps and buyers to have access to online and from the road. Credit card authorization forms, assembly videos, cheat sheets, and other forms and files that might be useful to reps and buyers are often uploaded.

Note that when you have many documents, you can click through the Page buttons at the bottom to access them.

To upload documents to AMP

  1. Navigate to the Manage Documents section of the AMP CMS
  2. Click the Upload more documents button
  3. Click the Select Files button
    Select File
  4. Select the file(s) you'd like to upload from your computer and click Open

To delete Documents, or change who can access them, click on the Change Documents button next to Upload More Documents. This will bring up the Document Management page:

From here, you can select who can have access to a document by selecting the desired access rights and clicking Update Rights, or delete documents by selecting the delete checkbox and clicking the Delete button. Note that you will have to delete all documents from a folder before you can delete the folder itself.


Pro tip: Hold SHIFT while selecting files to select multiple files at a time. Also, you can create folders to organize your files. Most file types are accepted including pdf, docx, xlsx, mp4. Files must be less than 100Mb.