Active Table – The current product table that determines what reps and customers can view and interact with.

AMP Dashboard – The profile page that displays a list of manufacturers associated with the account.

AMP Sell – The iPad app used by reps to sell products through AMP.

Authorized Users Section – A list of users who have access to the database, categorized by their role (Admin, CSR Rep, or Buyer).

Change Profile Page – The area where company information and settings can be updated.

Column Tags – Tags provided by AMP to define how data in a column should be used. These appear as the second row in tables.

Column Names/Headers – Names given to columns to help identify the data they contain.

Company Profile Section – A section within the Company Tab containing basic information about the company.

Company Tab – The tab in the CMS where company-related information is stored and managed, including the Authorized Users section.

Content Management System (CMS) – The AMP platform where admins can manage and update a company’s database, including customer, rep, and product information.

Customer Table – A table containing customer data, including assigned reps and price lists.

Database – The central location in the CMS where all company data (Customer, Rep, and Product Tables) is stored.

Manage Documents Tab – The tab used for uploading and managing documents and files that can be accessed by reps and customers.

Navigation Bar – The area at the top of the CMS interface where tabs can be clicked to manage different aspects of the product table.

Options Tab – The tab used to configure product options and settings within the database.

Photo Matching Tool – A tool that helps match product photos to the correct collections and products.

Photos Tab – The tab used to upload and manage product photos, which also contains the Photo Matching Tool.

Product Table – A table that contains detailed information about products, such as descriptions, pricing, and inventory data.

Products/SKUs Tab – The tab used for managing product details and updating the Product Table.

Reps Tab – The tab where sales rep information is entered and linked to their assigned customers.

Rep Table – A table containing information about sales reps and their assigned territories.

Slideshows/Catalogs Tab – The tab used for creating slideshows and catalogs from different sections of the product table, often for trade shows or furniture markets. It also contains the Photo Matching Tool.

Tab – Sections within the CMS interface used to manage various aspects of the AMP database (e.g., Products, Options, Reps, Customers).

Table Editing Bar – A gray bar at the top of tables (e.g., Products, Options, Manage Reps, Manage Customers) that provides options for updating and editing table data.

Table Review Page – A page where pending changes to a table are reviewed before they are finalized. This page allows for tagging columns and tracking changes between uploads.

Users/Locations Tab – The tab used to enter customer information and assign reps to customers.

Workflow – A process used by admins or CSRs to manage orders, requiring approval or input before an order is marked as "genuine."