All orders placed by sales reps and buyers appear in the Sales Activity (CMS)/Sales Overview (Shop) page. Regularly visiting this page will ensure you don't miss any new orders in your email, and will allow you to approve/edit orders if you have enabled an order workflow.

To access this page, click on the Sales Activity tab in the CMS, or Sales Overview in Shop. 

You can click on the date of an order in order to view its details.

In the CMS, as a CSR or Admin, you have more options for interacting with orders. You can filter your view using the drop-down menus to only see orders placed for a certain Customer, in/by a specific Territory/Rep, assigned to a particular CSR, or Placed by an individual email address. If you are a CSR or sales rep, your view will default to only orders assigned to you via the Territory/Rep Code. 

You can toggle between AMP Sales Orders (orders placed through AMP), Office Sales Orders (orders imported from your backend system), and Office Invoices (invoices imported from your backend system).

FIlter by Customer

If an Order Workflow has been established for your orders, you can filter orders by what Stage they're currently in by using the dropdown heading that column. This dropdown contains all the order stages that your company has defined. The order Type includes Genuine (which is an officially-placed order), as well as quotes, tests, and voided orders which will enable you to view only the order types that are relevant to you.

Filter by Stage

You can also search the Order # and PO # columns using the search fields at the top of each column to find a specific order that your buyer has question about. Finally, you can use the Date column to narrow down a date range of orders you wish to view.

If you have custom columns you'd like to see, contact us at and we can advise on your options.

In order to move an order through the Order Workflow, click on the date for the order in question and it will bring up the order page. In the upper right-hand quadrant of the order you will see the workflow.

Order Workflow

You can review the order, and click through the stages in order to progress the order from placed to closed and ready to ship!