Learn how to create and edit Minor Slideshows

Slideshows are a powerful tool to highlight specific products drawn from your entire catalog. Think of slideshows as a way of taking specific pages out of catalog and reorganizing them however works best for you.

Common uses for Slideshows

1) Market walkthroughs and/or Market-specific products

2) Products on special/discount

3) Best selling products

4) New products

 There are two ways to create a slideshow as an admin. 

The first is to create your slideshow using AMP Shop. 

The second is through Manage Catalog tab at the top. Navigate there, then click on Slideshows/Catalogs on the left, and finally click Add Minor Slideshow:

Enter a name for your slideshow, and check or uncheck the boxes to choose what columns you would like to have appearing in your slideshow. You can change those checkboxes later! Note that if you add columns later, or remove them, you will need to update your slideshows accordingly.

Next, select the way you will build your slideshow. You have four options:

"Include All Pages" will put everything in your catalog into the slideshow:

"Include Listed Page" starts you out with a list of all of your Page IDs. You can delete whole lines to remove the entire Page, or remove individual SKUs from a particular Page. The format is Page ID | SKUs

"Exclude Listed Pages" defaults to including all the Pages in your catalog, and you would list here only the Page IDs of the pages you wished to exclude from the slideshow in their entirety.

Finally, if you choose "Include Listed SKUs," simply list all the SKUs you wish to include in the slideshow, one SKU to a line: 

Finally, click Create Slideshow at the bottom to save your work. Click on the Change Slideshows button at the bottom to select access controls (such as making your slideshow visible to reps, but not buyers):

From there, you can change the access rights for a slideshow, or delete unneeded ones!

Additionally, there are times when you may want to go back to an existing slideshow and make edits to keep this slideshow updated.

To Edit a Slideshow

1) Navigate to Slideshows under the Manage Catalog tab

2) Find the slideshow you want to edit and select Edit to the right of the slideshow name

3) Add or remove skus listed in the box that is shown

4) Be sure to select save before leaving this page